Statutory Warning:

* Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculations: (My Inklings) Er... uhmmm....ahem...... those who are squirming on my 'ejaculations' I suggest you go to a good dictionary and see the definition and usage of 'ejaculation' and not go by your limited/extraordinary command of English!! Here is some help. Definition for Ejaculation: an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion. (

* Rajan Kapoor's Cartoons: (My Inkings) Just when some were about to make 'Swami' a very dirty word, like Swami Nityananda for eg., full of corrupting thoughts, there comes ... SERENEashram©. A Magical world of unpretentious Swamis with pure humour (unADULTerated) in their hearts --- and poor bias in their minds. SERENEashram©, the first Indian Comic strip so modern that it had to be an Epic!

* Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography & Digital Art: (My Imagings) ( At 54 I have bitten the Bullet and reinventing myself!

Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO : Photography & Digital Art (Flickr Slideshow)

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculation 3: The Gangs (and XL size Hot Bags) of wASSiimpurs!!!

I am sharing this because it ties in with what I earlier wrote during Shahrukh, Luke and Siddarth cases.

Lot of people and I specially mean the educated class just loves to bring successful persons down to feel better. A Paradox but true. (By the way Luke and Siddarth are free and the girl suddenly finds them ' young and silly' more than criminals as earlier projected). And Shahrukh, being a typical Scorpio (in my class!!!) rested his case by winning and getting his KKR supporters to do a MC/ BC  to MCA, Shobha DeMedia... for him!

I chose the above pic because I came across a couple of reactions on Aamir by some recent XLRI students on Facebook. Now youngsters think a great deal about IIMs and XLRIs. Mentors like me having spent much time with them know them better. You may got a IIM- or a XLRI-  degree but very few of them really become the creme de la creme of society!  Most of them just thank their stars and luck (and some lies in CVs and cheating ) for the admission and carry on with the upbringing and lacking they had , bolstered with some deception skills they learn wonderfully the best in those 2 years in a B School. Most of IIMs/XLRI etc. Entrants are cheats in some way or other in CAT and other earlier or later examinations is a quite well known fact; BUT a MURDERER or two in IIMs?!! Surprised. See the link below.
Thank God the outsiders admire them so much! Some consolation. What the leading Professionals feel of them see in the links below!!!

Of course I don't mean all of them, just most of them. Coming back to what I came across.

One XLRI guy writes some choice abuses, which may put a rickshaw wallah to shame, about Aamir. ( He possibly some days back was pontifying about Shahrukh's MCs and BCs!!!). He says his family has so many doctors and how dare the bastard Aamir talk about doctors like that. But I remember Aamir very clearly pointing out some very good doctors too like  Dr Shetty and others. But that is forgotten.The student takes Aamir's expose as a affront to his family doctors.

I personally faced many doctors in the last 1 year after my brain stroke. A eminent Neuro-Surgeon of Bombay tried to force me into a brain surgery costing more than 10 lacs by picking up a problem, which he himself had declared minor earlier, and frightening my sister knowing very well she will get scared and agree. It was only when I 'threatened' my sister that I will rather acquire a lover and go for a foreign jaunt with 10 lacs and then return and die contended!!! that she stopped listening to the rogue. And the fact that my brain is writing all these shit articles proves that I didn't need a surgery. It was fine and rotten anyway!!

The other XLRI student updates something in Facebook to the effect that people who really work for the society do it for the entire life and not make one-episode issue like Aamir. His insiniuation that Aamir is doing this only for making money. A IIM/ XLRI student finding a money making act as wrong for Aamir forgets most people join, survive and pass out of IIMs/XLRI only for making money!!! In fact, most of their Facebook updates after joining a Organization is not how much they are getting to learn or perform or evolve BUT how much they got in their first salary or Which 5-star Hotels they checked-in or which Car they bought!!!

My query to this person and other similar educated 'elite' is did YOU do a good cause even for one episode? Or did You do it for collecting grades in MBA and sexing up your CV with social leadership!

For example, XLRI boasts of village visits in the first  trimester 'to teach students social responsibility'. But most of them attend the village trips because it has compulsory grades allotted while hating it and compensate for it by drinking binges, luxury dinners, 'loving'  fellow females/males passionately in  hideouts (and that a village does gives amply!) to get over the torture of a village trip. And of course not forgetting to click lot of pics with the downtrodden in the DAY saying 'cheese', while giving them some condescending "cheeze", to display on the  Facebook, while anxiously waiting for the evening  when they will be free from the morons!

And these arse-holes have the audacity to advise Aamir on his selfishness.

All of us may or may not like or approve Aamir's acts. That's our choice. In fact a well-read, or is it a well-seen person, would have criticised the programme easily by mentioning that the idea or the format is not very original. A wonderful older programme called "Zindagi Live" still comes on  weekends on the Hindi IBN 7 channel with a very sensible and sensitive  lady host for years. But she is not a power celebrity! She has already covered, over the years, all issues of Satyamev Jayte shown so far and more. And YES she cries too!! But Aamir's reach and the same cursed celebrity status makes the reach more powerful.

But abuses, insinuations and character assassinations  just prove the old adage: " One can send talented Donkeys via a CAT to a IIM/ XLRI but one cannot EVOLVE  all of them into Pedigreed Horses" !!!

Recently heard a interesting quote by a IIT Professor on a NDTV Talk.... "We find that the successful Candidates after being coached just learn to say what is wrong and not what is right.. they may make Good Managers but not Good Engineers....."

Amen. Satyamev Jayte.
(coming soon with more breaking news on XLRI and its secrets culled from a Mare's mouth)

 © Rajan Kapoor 2012

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