Statutory Warning:

* Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculations: (My Inklings) Er... uhmmm....ahem...... those who are squirming on my 'ejaculations' I suggest you go to a good dictionary and see the definition and usage of 'ejaculation' and not go by your limited/extraordinary command of English!! Here is some help. Definition for Ejaculation: an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion. (

* Rajan Kapoor's Cartoons: (My Inkings) Just when some were about to make 'Swami' a very dirty word, like Swami Nityananda for eg., full of corrupting thoughts, there comes ... SERENEashram©. A Magical world of unpretentious Swamis with pure humour (unADULTerated) in their hearts --- and poor bias in their minds. SERENEashram©, the first Indian Comic strip so modern that it had to be an Epic!

* Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography & Digital Art: (My Imagings) ( At 54 I have bitten the Bullet and reinventing myself!

Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO : Photography & Digital Art (Flickr Slideshow)

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculation 9: The Hindi TV Media Morons!

Raj Thackeray YOU are actually right! The Hindi Channels were warned by you to behave and you also sarcastically added that the English Channels we can forget about as they are exist not in this world but some other world of theirs. However much I dislike your behaviour and beliefs in general, THIS time I agree with you. The TV Media, especially the Hindi and the vernacular avatar, is a moron generally. Yes they have sometimes picked up good causes to help individual or group causes or helped them justice; but the journalists’ irritating, irresponsible and insensitive behavior most of time raises a doubt whether the good acts were honest acts of belief or were they more a side result of very mad acts to retain “eyeballs” or just foolish frenzy.

Take the Mumbai terrorists attack a few years back. I remembering returning home late evening from work and seeing a continious stream, below the main screen TV news, going about “… a shooting incident at Colaba as a result of some gang feud…”. And it must have continued for at least half an hour before it converted to “..continious shootouts by rogue gang members who have run down the road shooting  from the Leopold CafĂ© in Colaba to now the VT Station… “. Much later the channels realized that it was a multi-pronged terrorist attack in Mumbai! Then official rumour-mongering was started/encouraged by some of them going to the extent flashing breaking news that a attack has also happened at the Marriot Hotel at Juhu in the far suburbs!! Nobody remembered the basics of journalism that in times of terror strikes or major scares be careful of what one reports. So far hardly any journalist was seen covering the shootouts live. And then as the remaining terrorists got ensconced in the 3 locations for the next 3-4 days, the journalists swarmed the sites covering the incident “live”. And then what a drama. News Channels cameras focusing on their reporters suddenly lying down on the streets and screaming that they can HEAR gunshots which anyway were happening inside the hotels!! 

Except the Metro Cinema incident, where Kasab and co. fired at the standing media as they drove past them, the terrorists not even once possibly fired at the media crowding outside the hotels. And yet the drama by the journalists to appear as if they were covering War live in the line of fire. Barkha Dutt with her pioneering coverage of the Kargil war has made many journalists pine for a similar coverage for a career-changing event and the terrorists gave them a chance in Mumbai itself!

And then the worst and most shameful act which I am surprised the TV media, especially the Hindi one, has never apologized for or taken a responsibilty for, forget some serious soul-searching. They virtually were responsible for a NSG commando killed by covering LIVE the helicopter descent of the  NSG commandos onto the terrace of the Jewish Chabad House, very much like excitable but stupid kids forgetting the sensitive and secretive nature of the operation. Only after the secret agencies desperately asked them to shut down the cameras or stagger the telecast that it was done. And by then it was too late. For the Pak handlers the Indian TV media became a unbelievable LIVE asset in supervising their nefarious plot. And while most English channels thereafter put on “a very responsible” look after that, most Hindi channels continued in their live telecasts actually relishing the “exclusive LIVE visuals from the Chabad House!

Personally speaking the most hateable journalist at that time, and other times, is that intolerable moron called Deepak Chaurasia who is the epitome of what is wrong with Indian channels especially Hindi channels. He is rustic loud, excitable, uncouth and symbolizes everything insidious about Hindi TV news media.

Most Hindi TV channels encourage all the ills India is trying to eradicate or down play.
  • ·          RELIGION & SUPERSTITIONS: They have regular astrology, Tarot cards etc capsules; make money either by allowing the fraudalent gurus like the Nirmal Baba or Radhey Ma types telecast their sermons or publicized them via some incessant  “expose”s which actually makes them more desirable to the millions of the cow-belt, and other belts, Indians (whatever this actually means!) who are looking for some ready-to-swallow packets of salvation without wanting salvation by any other means like for example some strong work ethics! How boring to talk about work ethics when a dancing ‘Ma’ or ‘Pa’ can do so for you easily even allowing nowadays a intimate hug or more to thousands of respectable but repressed males and females in a very respectable ambience. Spiritual Masturbation was never more easy!
  •  ·         INCITATION & MISLEADING:   The Hindi channels, much more than the English channels, present news and incidents in a very inciting and misleading manner. In a country where the vernacular language TV media is more likely to have a audience which is traditional, conservative and with a ‘local’ mindset not very inspired by today’s ‘global’ thinking and beliefs, such overplaying of news and incidents would mislead, mis-educate or mis-fire these people on those issues. Look how AGAIN they are going after even SACHIN TENDULKAR!!! 3 ordinary outings by him, after a long break and a Supermanic century of centuries, and the TV Media especially the Hindi media once again overdoes the criticism bordering on malice! Some young loser of a reporter pompously summarising Gavaskar’s comments with his own and then saying Sachin should go and give a chance to youngsters. Sachin is not a superstar like many other superstars of all types in India. He is THE Once-in-a-Lifetime blessing God has given the ordinary Indians unlike the fraudulent blessings the agents of God give to them. AND THE INDIANS AND INDIAN CHANNELS DON’T RESPECT THAT! The bastards have the audacity to judge his cricket and form. Today any ordinary weasel tells Sachin how to play cricket. Or when to retire. The Hindi channels have already conducted polls after the incitations against Sachin and even gleefully displayed results that 55% Indians want him to retire!  Worse are those Indians who got influenced by such journalism brain-washing and actually participated in such polls even to support him. You all never deserved Sachin. He should have been born abroad. They would know how to recognize a God’s blessing much better. Look at the British or the Australian media how they side with their teams and even go after the opposition teams as part of psychological pressures. The Indian and the Hindi media goes after their own team players. The story of Indians having a crab mentality always ready to pull their achievers down was never more true.
Indians: Be Blessed That Your life experienced him as a gift from God in your wretched lives.
  •  ·      NOT A NEWS CHANNEL: The Hindi channels cover Film and TV serials & comedy shows news, gossips and snippets even during the prime time, catering to the so called audience of theirs forgetting that they are primarily a leading Indian news channel and not a entertainment channel. The vernacular news channels could have driven a professional, global and modern news initiative to reach the masses and inform them. But the standards are woefully abysmal or superficial most of the cases. They forget their aim is to inform, analyse and present facts and not, for example, dispense justice of a kangaroo court ! However dislikeable a Kalmadi or a Raju or a Kanda be, but under the law all are innocents till proved guilty. The ACCUSSED are not GUILTY!! But when the media morons don’t even leave Sachin alone ……… ???!!!!
© Rajan Kapoor 2012

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