Statutory Warning:
* Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculations: (My Inklings) Er... uhmmm....ahem...... those who are squirming on my 'ejaculations' I suggest you go to a good dictionary and see the definition and usage of 'ejaculation' and not go by your limited/extraordinary command of English!! Here is some help. Definition for Ejaculation: an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion. (
* Rajan Kapoor's Cartoons: (My Inkings) Just when some were about to make 'Swami' a very dirty word, like Swami Nityananda for eg., full of corrupting thoughts, there comes ... SERENEashram©. A Magical world of unpretentious Swamis with pure humour (unADULTerated) in their hearts --- and poor bias in their minds. SERENEashram©, the first Indian Comic strip so modern that it had to be an Epic!
* Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography & Digital Art: (My Imagings) ( At 54 I have bitten the Bullet and reinventing myself!
Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography and Digital Art 34:
My Blog List
Leaders Can Move Fast and Fix Things
When tackling big problems, you don’t need to go slow—but you must take a
few critical steps before sprinting.
1 day ago
Prudhvi the Giant
In high school, we had a school trip to Chilika Lake. My parents gave me
permission to go but afterwards booked themselves a holiday in the same
place at ...
4 years ago
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