Statutory Warning:

* Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculations: (My Inklings) Er... uhmmm....ahem...... those who are squirming on my 'ejaculations' I suggest you go to a good dictionary and see the definition and usage of 'ejaculation' and not go by your limited/extraordinary command of English!! Here is some help. Definition for Ejaculation: an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion. (

* Rajan Kapoor's Cartoons: (My Inkings) Just when some were about to make 'Swami' a very dirty word, like Swami Nityananda for eg., full of corrupting thoughts, there comes ... SERENEashram©. A Magical world of unpretentious Swamis with pure humour (unADULTerated) in their hearts --- and poor bias in their minds. SERENEashram©, the first Indian Comic strip so modern that it had to be an Epic!

* Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography & Digital Art: (My Imagings) ( At 54 I have bitten the Bullet and reinventing myself!

Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO : Photography & Digital Art (Flickr Slideshow)

Saturday 2 February 2013

Ejaculation 19: An Open Letter to Anna Hazare

Dear Anna: I agree you are a man who has some good things in your village and around and the locals mostly love and look upto you. You also created a energy a couple of years back when you activated the sleepy junta at Jantar Mantar and made the cocky government to stir and pay heed to you and your demand for a corruption-free society.

The problem with You Anna is the following:

1. You are a big BORE who keeps talking in a whining tone non-stop about how you have not married; dont have a bank balance; have not a family; blah blah blah. Even Kalam, Vajpeyi and Ratan Tata did not marry and have done MORE constructive and educated things THAN you seem to have done or appear capable of doing.

2. You are a closet Autocrat not liking attention to be taken away from you. You expect a nation's government to just do things exactly the way you want it! Ask your permission in every single word and act they undertake. Really! Are you a extra-constitutional Authority that a country's officials should take all your advices?

3. Unfortunately Anna please accept that you are a well-meaning BUT a rustic leader and You should stay so. You are not a nation leader type, honest or not honest. A much more honest man with much more education and professional experience Dr Manmohan Singh is struggling to stay afloat in the cess pool called governance of India. Do not confuse your popularity with your ability to be a leader of modern India-- that too as a 'Remote Control'. You lack basic negotiation qualities and want to just ORDER things to happen overnight just like a kid. Worse you are a , I suspect, a disguised Hindutva believer and therefore to be wary of lest you actually get POWER as a remote control.

4. If Kejriwal was at fault so are you. You keep contadicting yourself vis-avis your ex-mentee and your support, or lack of it, for his electoral ambitions. You seem to be very poor in working in teams and survive by thriving on blind loyalty and cannot tolerate dissent - the first sign of democracy. 5. Finally you are NOT even a Gandhian!!! You have advocated physical beatings of your local villagers who have had alcohol etc. You also many times said similar things as a solution for the corrupt political class which appears more Talibanic-like than a Statesman-like.

So Dear Anna in short You are not a force any more as you almost became 2 years back. Take my word you will not become a game -changer, BUT remain a boring, exasperating and desperate activist who had dreams that He was the next Gandhi. I believe that is where You should have retired and walked into the sunset having been called a 'Second Gandhi', however undeservingly.

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