Statutory Warning:

* Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculations: (My Inklings) Er... uhmmm....ahem...... those who are squirming on my 'ejaculations' I suggest you go to a good dictionary and see the definition and usage of 'ejaculation' and not go by your limited/extraordinary command of English!! Here is some help. Definition for Ejaculation: an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion. (

* Rajan Kapoor's Cartoons: (My Inkings) Just when some were about to make 'Swami' a very dirty word, like Swami Nityananda for eg., full of corrupting thoughts, there comes ... SERENEashram©. A Magical world of unpretentious Swamis with pure humour (unADULTerated) in their hearts --- and poor bias in their minds. SERENEashram©, the first Indian Comic strip so modern that it had to be an Epic!

* Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography & Digital Art: (My Imagings) ( At 54 I have bitten the Bullet and reinventing myself!

Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO : Photography & Digital Art (Flickr Slideshow)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Ejaculation 21: Now Consensual Sex (legally!!) is allowed at 16 down from 18?!

"Consensual Age to have sex lowered to 16 from 18." Hey what is to get excited' eh? As if your parents, and all of the relatives, WILL allow you to do it at 16 WHEN they have NOT allowed it, officially, at even 20s for most!!!!!!!
So I repeat what I put up recently: “Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.”
― Isaac Asimov
 On a more serious note, MANY more males will be accused of rapes and crimes after the girl gets caught by the family and SHE acts innocent and puts the blame on the hapless male! Sex liberation also needs maturity to do it willingly and with responsiblity AND NOT done like 'chors'!!! If we want to copy the western mores of freedom then understand the responsibilty which comes along. Though who read/saw the famous talk of Steve Jobs where he talks of his undergraduate biological mother who got pregnant with him BUT was not able to take the role of motherhood--- she ENSURED that the child is adopted by educated parents as a precondition; AND initially refused the blue collar couple who wanted to adopt Steve Jobs and relented only WHEN they gave her assurances that they will ensure Education for the child. Compare this with most cases of pregancies of young women in India: Dangerous abortions OR if birth happens the child is killed or thrown in a garbage bin or road furtively!!!!!
 Personally I am against it as it would lead to more problems than learning! In India when typically, under the garb of family values, a MALE is suckling even in 20s or beyond, AND the FEMALE is a permanent 5 year old kid in front of family and relatives even when she is in 20s+..... it is a powder keg waiting to explode in the faces!!
 For those NOW excited that THIS is it...I didnt do it at 16 and want to do it at least now in 20s!!!!! Here is some good advice from ancient wisdom via Paulo Coelho-

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