Statutory Warning:

* Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculations: (My Inklings) Er... uhmmm....ahem...... those who are squirming on my 'ejaculations' I suggest you go to a good dictionary and see the definition and usage of 'ejaculation' and not go by your limited/extraordinary command of English!! Here is some help. Definition for Ejaculation: an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion. (

* Rajan Kapoor's Cartoons: (My Inkings) Just when some were about to make 'Swami' a very dirty word, like Swami Nityananda for eg., full of corrupting thoughts, there comes ... SERENEashram©. A Magical world of unpretentious Swamis with pure humour (unADULTerated) in their hearts --- and poor bias in their minds. SERENEashram©, the first Indian Comic strip so modern that it had to be an Epic!

* Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography & Digital Art: (My Imagings) ( At 54 I have bitten the Bullet and reinventing myself!

Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO : Photography & Digital Art (Flickr Slideshow)

Thursday 31 January 2013

Ejaculation 18: 'Happy' Republic Day? Jai Hind?

How do I wish a 'HAPPY Republic Day' or be wished by Others WHEN....:

1. So many crimes and scams are happenening all over AND with impunity

2. 'Modi', a official killer of thousands, is likely to become a PM of my country
Is Varun Gandhi the BJP’s biotech boy?
Is Varun Gandhi the BJP’s biotech boy? (Photo credit: com4tablydumb)
3. BJP(+RSS) is the only alternative visible as we frown, wince, mutter, scream at the inefficiency of the present Government
Flag of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a na...
Flag of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a national political party in India. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
4. Wishing for Honest and educated politicians becomes a joke when a known honest man like Dr Singh becomes a helpless onlooker in the emergence of regional parties coalitions, when the country takes a backseat and local needs take over; AND in the mud-slinging even Dr Singh gets vilified and accused of corruption!!

5. When the GREATEST OLYMPIAN, SUSHIL KUMAR GETS NO NATIONAL AWARDS in the year of becoming the only Indian Olympics medal twice, because of some bureacracy rules, under the chairmanship of, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, The Moron called 'Sushil Kumar Shinde'!!!!
Olympic Games of 1906
Olympic Games of 1906 (Photo credit: Martin Baldwin-Edwards)
 6. Why do we say 'Jai Hind' when talking of our country...why not 'Jai Bharat' or 'Jai India'? 'Jai Hind' stands for 'Jai Hindustan' and by any stretch of imagination our country is not a 'Hindustan' being a secular country with the majority being Hindus BUT not the ONLY ones. AND PERSONALY SPEAKING ALSO I HATE THE NAME 'JAIHIND' AS IT REMINDS ME OF A PERSON NAMED SO....A ROGUE, A CRIMINAL, A 'BASTARD' in all senses who I grew up watching, suffering and hating.

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