Statutory Warning:

* Rajan Kapoor's Ejaculations: (My Inklings) Er... uhmmm....ahem...... those who are squirming on my 'ejaculations' I suggest you go to a good dictionary and see the definition and usage of 'ejaculation' and not go by your limited/extraordinary command of English!! Here is some help. Definition for Ejaculation: an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion. (

* Rajan Kapoor's Cartoons: (My Inkings) Just when some were about to make 'Swami' a very dirty word, like Swami Nityananda for eg., full of corrupting thoughts, there comes ... SERENEashram©. A Magical world of unpretentious Swamis with pure humour (unADULTerated) in their hearts --- and poor bias in their minds. SERENEashram©, the first Indian Comic strip so modern that it had to be an Epic!

* Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO: Photography & Digital Art: (My Imagings) ( At 54 I have bitten the Bullet and reinventing myself!

Rajan Kapoor's STUDIO : Photography & Digital Art (Flickr Slideshow)

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Ejaculation 23: A new 'Happy Day' to add to the list of the annual 'Happy Days'!

March 11, 2013

One rapist jumps parole, changes his ID, does a MBA, clears a bank PO job and starts working during 7 years; A second rapist hijacks a helicopter ride after collecting a reward; The third one 'commits suicide early morning.

May be this could be called a 'Indian Rapist Day' every year. Lot of Indians will get another DAY to celebrate:

  •   People could sms each other wishing 'Happy Rapist Day!';

  • Women could bully their men into giving them a lavish outing treat under the pretext that they (men) should solemnly pledge today NOT to rape them! (unless with their consent);

  • Men could upload some interesting videos and pics on say - '10 Most Loving Rapes ever'; '13 Most unlikely Rapists of the year' etc

  • TV Channels would day-long telecast socially meaningful programmes with their female anchors fanning out in their cities underdressed to 'sting operate' on anti-socials and play the episode in a unending loop while screaming--- what else But 'Rape!' !!!

  • MTV etc could get Honey Singh to ejaculate RAPe songs whole day;

  • 'Shiv Senas', 'Ram Senas', 'Banar Senas', ( and Ayrton Senna! sorry couldnt resist this one) could have a field day reviving their dormant careers chasing and bludgeoning each other for 24 hours to compete for the 'Most Raped & Rapped Sena of the Day ' - a 'Oommph Kara' award!!!!
  • 'Archies' could come out with lovely 'Rip Rape Cards' to commemorate the day and sell some naked Barbies with only a meaningful placard on them- 'Just because I am naked it does NOT gives You the right to rape me.....You could have just loved me.....awwwwwwww!'
AND the Militant Women Organisations and our NAGA Sadhus could have a PUBLIC (hey! I said 'Public' and NOT what your dirty mind thought!!) fashion show with a socially relevant message:  "...My Body is mine, Whatever I wear (Or NOT wear) would be ENTIRELY my sartorial inability. Nobody should have the right to rape me ! (or ogle shameless!)"

And thus will end a eventful day with all of us going to sleep , alone or otherwise, that night with a hope that dreams that night would be fantasies and NOT nightmares!

© 2013 Rajan Kapoor
(Statutory Warning: The pic has been taken for representative purposes and no Sadhus were hurt violated; no moral violations hurts were undertaken; AND no offence meant)

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